See example exercises below for 8kg Kettlebell Classic.
The kettlebell windmill is a good exercise for developing strength and definition in the core body.
The kettlebell snatch is a good progression exercise for those who are now competent with the basic kettlebell swing.
The Kettlebell Swing is a fundamental kettlebell exercise and a great place to start for anyone new to kettlebell training.
Build strong, muscular legs with the fundamental Double Kettlebell Squat exercise. A great kettlebell exercise to train the whole lower body.
A fundamental kettlebell exercise designed to raise a kettlebell into a position suitable for overhead lifts and focus on those hamstring and back muscles.
The Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up is a powerful exercise that works many muscle groups in unison, focusing on the abdominals.
The double military press with kettlebells helps build strong, muscular shoulders and powerful triceps.
An excellent upper-body pulling movement; kettlebell rows will build strength in the back and biceps muscles.
A guide to the Kettlebell Goblet Squat; a key, center loaded, lower body strength exercise suitable for beginners.