Lunge Jump

The Lunge Jump is an excellent functional bodyweight exercise promoting gains in balance, stability, power and speed, working the glutes, quads and hamstrings.

Primary Muscle Quadriceps
Secondary Muscle(s) Calves, Hamstrings
Difficulty Beginner
Optional Weighted Vest

How to do Lunge Jumps

The jumping lunge is functional exercise that introduces plyometrics into the standard lunge movement. However, the lunge jump is much more intense, using more energy and requiring more skill to perform.

The exercise is useful for building power in the legs, developing leg strength and endurance, and it can be a valuable strength training / cardio combination exercise.

  • Begin in a lunge position.
  • Jump up and quickly swap leg positions in mid-air, whilst keeping your torso straight.
  • Raise your hands to gain height.
  • Land in the lunge position bending your knees to absorb the impact.
  • Launch straight into the next jump switching your feet once more and landing in your original lunge position.

Beginners to the Lunge Jump

Technique is important when you introduce plyometrics into your exercise routine. Make sure you are competent with the standard bodyweight lunge exercise before attempting the more advanced jumping lunge.

Advanced Lunge Jump

When you're performing the jump lunge comfortably you can try introducing additional weight to increase the intensity of the exercise and maximise conditioning. A weighted vest is a great way of achieving this in a safe and controlled way.

Alternatively, consider increasing the complexity of the exercise by performing the jumping lunge twist.

Also see overhead lunge for another advanced lunge exercise. 


Always consult your GP before undertaking any form of weight loss, fitness or exercise.